Monday May 25th, 2015

It’s Monday! What are you reading?

I have been sharing a reading photo of the week each week. This was taken during buddy reading with the Ks. I love how my students will track as they read to show the kindergarten child the words as they say them. Many little ones are beginning to read along.

 Monday May 25th, 2015 There's a Book for That

I must also share photographic evidence of this little book thief in my room. Friday afternoon she snuck back into a bin of books I have yet to share and grabbed these.

“It’s not fair! You stash all of these books where we can’t get them until you read them.”

 Monday May 25th, 2015 There's a Book for That

I pointed out that I generally bring out new books every week and book talk almost daily. “True,” she giggled as she attempted to get sneak peeks at these yet to be shared treasures before I snatched them back. Love her passion for books! I can relate 🙂

 Monday May 25th, 2015 There's a Book for That

If you missed it, I shared 20 titles I highly recommend as gift books for new parents. These titles will make beautiful additions to a family’s read aloud collection.

Picture Books for New Parents

Join Jen from Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee and Ricki from Unleashing Readers and share all of the reading you have done over the week from picture books to young adult novels. Follow the links to read about all of the amazing books the #IMWAYR community has read. It’s the best way to discover what to read next.


This is Sadie written by Sara O’Leary and illustrated by Julie Morstad

Sadie is enchanting. She embraces life – both the real and the imagined parts with gusto. Creative, inspired, endearing.

I featured our read aloud experience with this book here. It is well worth reading to see my students’ reactions.

This is Sadie  Monday May 25th, 2015 There's a Book for That

The Skunk written by Mac Barnett and illustrated by Patrick McDonnell

A skunk follows a man everywhere he goes. Why? What does he want? Why can’t the man escape? The ending continues in the strange unexplained vein. Love this book – all of its quirky and charming is delightful.

The Skunk  Monday May 25th, 2015 There's a Book for That

Cheetah Can’t Lose by Bob Shea

Cheetah’s ego is on competition over drive. His little feline friends realize this all too well and craftily devise a plan to make sure that cheetah won’t win the big race. Does it work? And what will it mean if it does . . . ? Very funny and engaging.

Cheetah Can't Lose  Monday May 25th, 2015 There's a Book for That

Bright Sky Starry City written by Uma Krishnaswami and illustrated by Aimée Sicuro

I was thrilled to discover this title at a local book store. It is a lovely little story about a young girl who longs to see the stars and planets in her busy city. Light pollution makes this a challenge until a storm happens and the power goes out. A detailed nonfiction afterward is shared in the back of the book all about our solar system and light pollution. Also includes a glossary. I will be sharing this with my new class in the fall.

Bright Sky Starry City  Monday May 25th, 2015 There's a Book for That

Pop!: The Invention of Bubble Gum by Meghan McCarthy

All the details of bubble gum’s invention. So much fun!

Pop!- The Invention of Bubble Gum  Monday May 25th, 2015 There's a Book for That

I Didn’t Do my Homework Because . . . written by Davide Cali and illustrated by Benjamin Chaud

A book of outlandish excuses and superbly creative illustrations.

I Didn't Do my Homework Because . . .  Monday May 25th, 2015 There's a Book for That

Wish Girl by Nikki Loftin

Beautifully written. Loftin manages to leave her readers always a little on edge yet completely attached to the emotional story line she shares. It’s almost as if the magic suggested in the story floats off the page and whispers quietly, “Come in. Immerse yourself. Feel.” I loved this title even though I found parts of it worrisome and painful. An important book.

Wish Girl   Monday May 25th, 2015 There's a Book for That

Up next? I am reading Blackbird Fly by Erin Entrada Kelly

Updates on my 2015 Reading Goals:

2015 Chapter Book Challenge: 26/80 complete

Goodreads Challenge: 198/415 books read

#MustReadin2015: 10/24 complete

Nonfiction Picture Book Challenge: 42/100 titles

Diverse Books in 2015: 18/50 books read

Monday February 9th, 2015

It’s Monday! What are you reading?

I have been sharing a reading photo of the week each week. This week, I had some computer glitch and lost my photos from the week – no idea why. Thankfully, I tweeted some so I can still share some book love happening in my classroom here!

Join Jen from Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee and Ricki from Unleashing Readers and share all of the reading you have done over the week from picture books to young adult novels. Follow the links to read about all of the amazing books the #IMWAYR community has read. It’s the best way to discover what to read next.


I read some fantastic picture books this week. I have decided to share – many but briefly – couldn’t get it down to under ten favourites. Not a bad problem. 🙂 Fiction and nonfiction picture book joy!

The Storm Whale by Benji Davies

What do you do when you find a whale lost in a storm? Help it of course. And it just might help you communicate something that needs telling. Sweet.

 The Storm Whale Monday February 9th, 2015 #IMWAYR There's a Book for That

The Troublemaker by Lauren Castillo

Absolutely wonderful. Castillo is such a story teller. This book rings true with the magic of childhood, the nostalgia of summer holidays and the quirky dynamics of family interactions. Love the surprises!

The Troublemaker Monday February 9th, 2015 #IMWAYR There's a Book for That

Number One Sam by Greg Pizzoli

Being number one is always most important . . . or is it?

Number One Sam Monday February 9th, 2015 #IMWAYR There's a Book for That

How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth written by Michelle Robinson and illustrated by Kate Hindley

This would be a fantastic mentor text for procedural writing. Adorable illustrations and a fun little escapade – bath time with a woolly mammoth.

How to Wash a Wooly Mammoth Monday February 9th, 2015 #IMWAYR There's a Book for That

Hermelin: The Detective Mouse as told to Mini Grey

I really do adore Mini Grey! This story is utterly charming.

Hermelin Monday February 9th, 2015 #IMWAYR There's a Book for That

Astronaut Handbook by Meghan McCarthy

Alyson Beecher pointed me in the direction of this book. Amazing nonfiction title about what it would be like to train to go into space! Perfect for the primary classroom.

Astronaut Handbook Monday February 9th, 2015 #IMWAYR There's a Book for That

Firebird written by Misty Copeland and illustrated by Christopher Myers 

First read through, I spent this whole book swooning over the illustrations. And then I remembered that there was text. The first line of this book – just so beautiful:

the space between you and me is longer than forever

Firebird Monday February 9th, 2015 #IMWAYR There's a Book for That

Bone by Bone written by Sara Levine and illustrated by T.S Spookytooth 

I put this on a nonfiction wish list after reading some reviews. This is my newest nonfiction title to rave about. Really, you need this book if you have a primary classroom. So engaging. So fun. Lots to learn.

 Bone by Bone Monday February 9th, 2015 #IMWAYR There's a Book for That

Have You Heard the Nesting Bird? written by Rita Gray illustrated by Kenard Pak

These illustrations are fantastic. Lots of facts at the end of the book and beautiful lyrical text through out.

HaveYouHeard Monday February 9th, 2015 #IMWAYR There's a Book for That

Forest Has a Song poems by Amy Ludwig Vanderwater  and illustrated by Robbin Gourley 

The forest is possibly my favourite out-in-the-world place. So, these illustrations, these poems – well, I was smitten.

Forest has a song Monday February 9th, 2015 #IMWAYR There's a Book for That

I also finished one novel. another from my #MustReadin2015 list:

The Misadventures of the Family Fletcher by Dana Alison Levy

I loved every member of this wonderful family. I rooted for each of them, celebrated them, smiled so big it hurt my cheeks. This is what family is. Loved the noisy, messy mumble jumble of every day love and family connection explored in this book. A happy, hilarious MG read.

The Misadventures of the Family Fletcher Monday February 9th, 2015 #IMWAYR There's a Book for That

Up next? I am about to start Girls Like Us by Gail Giles

Updates on my 2015 Reading Goals:

2015 Chapter Book Challenge: 7/80 complete

Goodreads Challenge: 55/415 books read

#MustReadin2015: 5/24 complete

Nonfiction Picture Book Challenge: 14/100 titles

Diverse Books in 2015: 5/50 books read




Monday March 10th, 2014

It’s Monday! What are you reading?


Join Jen from Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee and Ricki from Unleashing Readers and share all of the reading you have done over the week from picture books to young adult novels. Follow the links to read about all of the amazing books the #IMWAYR community has read. One of the very best ways to discover what to read next!

I was quite ill this week so my picture book reading was limited to what was in the house that I had yet to read (no library adventures for me). On the other hand, I spent hours reading novels and finished seven titles. Basically all I have done in the last three days is read, sleep and in one big burst of energy, I cleaned the fridge.

Picture books I enjoyed:

Locomotive by Brian Floca 

Wow. The details and the history that Floca gifts to us in this train ride to the West Coast are just stunning. I read this to my son and he was captivated. Simply gorgeous.

Locomotive #IMWAYR There's a Book for That

DareDevil: The Daring Life of Betty Skelton by Meghan McCarthy

Another title for the picture book biography section. Betty Skelton and speed – whoa! I was truly shocked at how many things this woman was ready to try and how nothing phased her whatsoever. It was like, goal accomplished – what’s next?

Daredevil #IMWAYR There's a Book for That

The Fox in the Library written by Lorenz Pauli and illustrated by Kathrin Scharer

Loved the illustrations in this story and that it certainly promoted the love of books and literacy. But was the story memorable, not so sure. Did the story itself impress me? I felt it was only okay.

#IMWAYR There's a Book for That

Novels I finished:

Small Medium at Large by Joanne Levy (MG)

A #MustReadin2014 title that I borrowed from my daughter’s bookshelf. What an ideal middle grade novel. It has everything to appeal to this preteen/early teen audience: family and friendship dynamics, humour, a taste of bizarre, a dose of romance and just a really great story.

small medium at large #IMWAYR There's a Book for That

Charm & Strange by Stehanie Kuehn (YA definitely)

Intense, haunting and beautifully told. Almost impossible to discuss this book without giving things away. It is dark. It is about facing the past and demons that have shaped you. It is about vulnerability. An emotional read but one I really recommend.

Charm and Strange #IMWAYR There's a Book for That

Zebra Forest by Adina Rishe Gewirtz (MG/YA)

There is much to this book about two siblings basically raising themselves – helped occasionally by their spirited Grandmother who is otherwise sad and despondent. Everything changes when an escaped convict breaks into their home and holds them hostage. The drama is not rushed and full of fear and aggression. Rather, it is a simmering psychological story where questions rise up. What is family? What is loyalty? Where do our wishes lead us?

zebra forest #IMWAYR There's a Book for That

Every Day After by Laura Golden (MG)

Another #MustReadin2014 title I took off my daughter’s shelf (thank goodness I give her such amazing titles!). Lizzie is another young heroine of historical fiction that will weave her way into your heart and you can’t help but root for her. I really hope Laura Golden continues to write in this genre.

Every Day After #IMWAYR There's a Book for That

Each Little Bird That Sings by Deborah Wiles (MG)

Who would think one could use descriptors such as delightful and uplifting about a book all about funerals and death? Yet, this book is exactly that. It celebrates spirit and connection. It honours life. There is pure simplicity and complex interpersonal dynamics. And in the end I cried. But I would read this book again in a heartbeat just to experience interesting funeral food, the joys of a a flower garden and slobbery dog love.

Each Little Bird That Sings #IMWAYR There's a Book for That

Bird by Crystal Chan (MG/YA)

This book will follow me through the year I predict and may just end up on my favourites of 2014. Jewel is raised in grief and superstition. Guilt and anger. The day she was born was the day her brother Bird died. Everything about her life begins from there. Beautifully written. Sad and spectacular imagery. Themes of friendship, grief, family, culture, faith. Highly recommended.

Bird #IMWAYR There's a Book for That

The Impossible Knife of Memory by Laurie Halse Anderson (YA)

I had heard numerous times that this novel was powerful. That is explored PTSD in honest and raw ways. These things were not surprises. How much I adored the characters, the rich relationships, the true to life portrayal of a young girl caught between a place of hanging on and trying to embrace life and possibility – all of this surprised me. Just. So. Good.

Th Impossible Knife of Memory #IMWAYR There's a Book for That

Up next? I am currently reading Scarlet by Marissa Meyer – I really enjoyed Cinder and had looked forward to reading this entire trilogy. I just picked up Allegiant by Veronica Roth from the library so that will likely be my next read. My children are thrilled that I am feeling better so that I can continue nightly reading of The Shadow Throne.

Reading Goal updates:

2014 Chapter Book Challenge: 19/100 novels complete

Goodeads Challenge: 124/650 books read

#MustReadin2014: 9/30 complete

Nonfiction Picture Book Challenge: 40/65 complete