
I am an Elementary teacher in Vancouver, B.C. After teaching for 21 years in one school in the downtown east side of Vancouver, I have moved to a new school very close to home. I usually teach Grades 2, 3 or 4 (often combined or multi-age classes). This age is full of wonder and fun energy!

I believe in celebrating learning and honouring students. Classroom communities are vital places full of important relationships, risks, mistakes and lots and lots of joy.

It is always a pleasure to share some of my classroom world and everything I learn from the students I teach.

I am also completely obsessed with children’s literature and love to share my reading life with my students, my colleagues and my reading community. Books make their way into almost every conversation that I have. There is always something that reminds me of a story, a character or a particular scene. Whether you have asked or not, I may suddenly exclaim as we are talking, “There’s a book for that!”

Because there always is . . . .

Happy reading!

Carrie Gelson

Carrie Gelson at There's a Book for That

Find me on Twitter: @CarrieGelson


18 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Carrie,
    I have been following your blog since the beginning of this school year (2013) and look forward to your weekly posts. Carrie, I am wondering if you have ever presented at reading conferences? I am hosting a reading conference April 2015 in Regina, Saskatchewan and I am putting out feelers to see who might be interested in hosting a session. Is this something you might be interested in?

    • Carrie would make an EXCELLENT presenter at your conference and would be able to offer wisdom, passion, humor and a wealth of knowledge about literacy, literature, technology – the list is endless! I HIGHLY recommend her!

  2. Pingback: Fifteen blogs for inspiration! | Norah Colvin

  3. Hi Carrie,
    I see above that I have nominated you previously for the Very Inspiring Bloggers Award. Obviously I am sure about that nomination!
    As I wish to let others know how much I enjoy reading your blog, I have re-nominated you (accidentally but obviously with intention) for a Very Inspiring Blogger Award.
    You can check out the nomination in my post http://wp.me/p3O5Jj-k4 .
    Participation is your choice. If you wish to nominate bloggers who inspire you, the rules are provided there.
    Thanks for sharing so much wonderful content on your blog.
    Best wishes, Norah.

  4. As an ex-librarian turned primary teacher-in-training and picture book lover (phew!), I am very excited about the possibilities of using picture books in classrooms. Your blog is ace and has whet my appetite even further. Nice work!

  5. You, my friend, are a true problem solver…and I so very much am enjoying your response to a critical need in your classroom (not enjoying the situation mind you, enjoying the thought process you have shared with all of us here)…

    Thanks for an excellent modeling Carrie! So many great reasons to visit your blog…and this is just one of them! Glad to have found you!

  6. I teach a 5th grade advanced content class in Marietta, GA and LOVE to use picture books to introduce themes or connect to our SS curriculum. I am SO glad that I found you, however my bank account is not so thrilled! I have ordered so many of your ideas tonight!

  7. Hi Carrie,
    I have been following your blog for years! In a recent October 2018 post, you had photos with blue magnetic book “shelves” on a white board. Would you know where to purchase these?
    Thanks so much~ Liz, 5th grade Fairfield, Connecticut

  8. Wow….what an amazing BLOG and I feel so very happy to have discovered it today! Thank you for your work! I was wondering if you could tell me what the red dots mean above the books you have on display. Thank you in advance…I did try to lurk around your blog to find the answer before I wrote to you. Keep doing your amazing work!

  9. Pingback: Reflecting on the journey… – Rita's Reading Journey

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