Monday November 24th, 2014

It’s Monday! What are you Reading?

My favourite reading photo of the week is of these two sisters reading early Friday a.m. before school had even started. Older sister invited little one to sit and listen. This captured moment is why I love having a room full of books that are beloved!

Monday November 24th, 2014 IMWAYR There's a Book for That

Join Jen from Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee and Ricki from Unleashing Readers and share all of the reading you have done over the week from picture books to young adult novels. Follow the links to read about all of the amazing books the #IMWAYR community has read. It’s the best way to discover what to read next.


I had a funny picture book reading week. I read a number of “new to me books”, but only a few stood out. My favourites of the week:

Louise Loves Art by Kelly Light

Cute on every level. A celebration of a creative little artist who is also a big sister.

Louise Loves Art Monday November 24th, 2014 IMWAYR There's a Book for That

Little Elliot Big City by Mike Curato 

This book could just be sweet and well, sweet. Yet, it has something more. The old fashioned era depicted in the illustrations? The nuances? The perspectives the illustrations reveal? Not sure. But this little title is light in words but heavy in impact. Themes of kindness, friendship and gratitude.

 Little Elliot Monday November 24th, 2014 IMWAYR There's a Book for That

Come On, Rain! Written by Karen Hesse and illustrated by Jon J. Muth

A summer day that craves a rain storm. Hot, hot, hot. Beautiful images conveyed through both illustrations and text. Delicious words. Illustrations to linger on.

Come On, Rain! Monday November 24th, 2014 IMWAYR There's a Book for That

Mingan: My village Poems by Innu Schoolchildren by Rogé With participation of Joséphine Bacon, Rita Mestokosho and Laure Morali.

I featured this book in my Wednesday nonfiction post but loved it so much I am highlighting it again here. Poems and Portraits. Student voice. Stunning.

 Mingan My Village Monday November 24th, 2014 IMWAYR There's a Book for That

Stand Straight Ella Kate: The True Story of a Real Giant written by Kate Klise and illustrated by M. Sarah Klise

A fascinating story of a young woman who really did grow to be a giant. It turns out that it wasn’t only her height that made her stand apart from other women of the times.

Stand Straight Ella Kate- The True Story of a Real Giant Monday November 24th, 2014 IMWAYR There's a Book for That

I also read two brilliant middle grade novels

Nest by Esther Ehrlich

A difficult title to write about because there are plot points integral to the story that if revealed, give things away. I will say that this book captured me. I loved the character of Chirp, her neighbour Joey. Both so solid, yet so vulnerable. I love their observations. Their coping strategies. Their complicated friendship. Emotionally difficult. Absolutely beautiful. Highly recommended.

Nest Monday November 24th, 2014 IMWAYR There's a Book for That

Rain Reign by Ann M. Martin

I started and finished this book in one sitting. Before the rest of the house was awake. I couldn’t imagine putting it down. Rose is a girl I might have met, but this novel gave me a deeper peek into how she ticks and for this, I am very grateful to Ann M. Martin. Any title that helps a teacher think bigger, better, more carefully about students that may come our way, is a true gift. Rose may do a lot of things very differently. She also does a lot much more bravely. Such a read.

Rain Reign Monday November 24th, 2014 IMWAYR There's a Book for That

Next up? I am reading The Turtle of Oman: A Novel by Naomi Shihab Nye

Reading Goal Updates: 

2014 Chapter Book Challenge: 74/100 novels complete

Goodreads Challenge: 542/650 books read (40 books behind)

#MustReadin2014: 21/30 complete

Nonfiction Picture Book Challenge: 122/65 complete

Monday June 3rd, 2013

It’s Monday! What are you Reading?

Mon Reading Button PB to YA

Join Jen and Kellee’s meme and share all of your wonderful reading from picture books to young adult novels. Such a great place to find “new” reads to delve into!

I read a lot of wonderful picture books this week. Some were good. Some just okay. Some fantastic. Here are my favourites from the week:

That Book Woman written by Heather Henson and illustrated by David Small I am an absolute sucker when it comes to David Small – especially David Small does historical fiction. Add to that that this title is also about spreading the joy of literacy and books. Sigh. I am done for. Sold . . . hook, line and sinker. I knew of this book, but I had yet to sit and read it. When I read it, I instantly wondered why I hadn’t read it before. I read it first thing Sunday morning. Then I had coffee and read it again. Then I read it to my family at breakfast. Each time, I teared up. Reading it aloud, I had to stop and my daughter finished it. What is more beautiful than bravery and perseverance to bring books into the homes of children who don’t even have the chance to go to school? Set in the Appalachian Mountains in the 1930s, this book is inspired by the Pack Horse Librarians who brought books by horseback to areas where there were few if any schools and no libraries. My daughter instantly identified with Lark, the little girl in this family who is the “readenest child you ever did see.” Always her nose is in a book. But it is when Cal, who is not the “readin’ type” delves into reading – finding stories where he once thought there was only “chicken scratch,” that the story reached a level of instant favourite for me.

A story about the power of books, the devotion they are given and the magic that happens when a reader is made.


The Quiet Place written by Sarah Stewart and illustrated by David Small I also especially adore David Small when he illustrates for his wife, Sarah Stewart. These two are the masters of historical stories – conveying emotion, context and historical details always in a gorgeous story. This story is about young Isabel who immigrates to the U.S. from Mexico in the 1950s. Through a series of letters to her beloved aunt, Isabel tells her story of moving to a new country and finding her place. Simply lovely.

the quiet place

I spent Friday in the classroom of the wonderful Ms. Karen Lirenman and her fantastic Grade 1 students. While I did a lot of learning on this day, I also had the opportunity to share some of my favourite read alouds with the children. And . . . I was lucky enough to be introduced to the books of Australian author/illustrator Aaron Blabey. Karen discovered his books while on teacher exchange in Australia some years back. All of these books share certain things in common – brilliant and original character names, appealing illustrations and a celebration of individuality. I would love to have any or all of these titles in my classroom library.

Sunday Chutney written and illustrated by Aaron Blabey Sunday is new to her school – in fact she is always the new girl. Her family moves a lot. Sunday is confident and quirky in the best of ways. She has a very active imagination and very particular tastes. Always being new is not always easy but we could all learn a little from Sunday’s optimism.


Stanley Paste written and illustrated by Aaron Blabey Stanley Paste is very small and he is not at all happy about this fact. Being small is terrible until he meets Eleanor Cabbage who is incredibly tall. She too, despises her stature. But while these two are vastly different in height, they find a special friend in each other and as friendship blooms, so does some perspective about life and accepting the hand you are dealt. Delightful.

Stanley-PasteHere is Aaron Blabey talking about his book, Stanley Paste:

Pearl Barley and Charley Parsley written and illustrated by Aaron Blabey A very special book about friendship. Pearl and Charlie are very different and it is their differences that help them to be such wonderful friends. A friendship story that is worth reading aloud and exploring. Pretty sure it will prompt some discussions about what makes a friend a friend. So well done.

Pearl Barley

Exclamation Mark written by Amy Krouse Rosenthal and illustrated by Tom Lichtenheld Such a fun concept of making an exclamation mark the main character and allowing the journey to celebrating personal importance be such a delightful one!


The Boy who Cried Ninja written and illustrated by Alex Latimer The cover alone hooked my students – a ninja! We found ourselves happily confused in this story – was telling the truth the problem? Or was it being believed? This little boy seemed to always be in trouble. And his outlandish (or were they?) tales made for quite the story.

boy who cried ninja

I finished just one novel this week:

Homesick written by Kate Klise This is the second novel about living with a parent who is a hoarder I have read in the last few weeks. Dirty Little Secrets by C.J. Omololu was the first. An absolutely difficult topic. What fascinates me is how these young characters deal with living in such stress and feelings of being overwhelmed and out of control. There is definitely no parent providing structure and care in these situations. This novel was lighter than Omololu’s and written for a middle grade audience. Set in a tiny town, it had the quirky appeal of small town eccentric characters and wonderful friendships that span generations. But it didn’t shy away from the fact that a young boy was being neglected and put at risk while living alone with his father who compulsively filled their home with junk.

Spoiler alert: As in Omololu’s story, there is an ending that prevents anyone from having to fully deal with completely cleaning up the mess of a house where a hoarder has lived. The forces of nature come into play in both stories (one helped along a little) Makes me think about what is the rest of the story if someone really did need to be responsible . . . ?


Currently reading? As Easy as Falling off the Face of the Earth by Lynne Rae Perkins 

And . . . Because there is a new Clementine story out, my children and I have put Scumble on hold, and are diving into Clementine and the Spring Trip by Sara Pennypacker.