Monday September 16th, 2013

It’s Monday! What are you reading?

Join Jen from Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee and Ricki from Unleashing Readers and share all of the reading you have done over the week from picture books to young adult reads! The #IMWAYR crowd always has so many fantastic titles to share.

IMWAYRThe picture books I loved this week:

A Mountain of Friends written and illustrated by Kerstin Schoene

I shared this title when our K/1 reading buddies came to visit our classroom for the very first time. It was a hot and stuffy afternoon and there were 44 children ages 4 to 8 in my classroom and we survived it because of this beautiful little book. It is interactive. It is adorable. It is all about creativity and the strong will to help out a friend in need. Elements of Eric Rohmann‘s My Friend Rabbit.

A Mountain of Friends #IMWAYR There's a Book for That!

Mr. Tiger Goes Wild written and illustrated by Peter Brown

I really, truly love this book. I don’t want to give anything away to spoil the experience. I can stay it is stunning. And slightly peculiar in the best of ways. And the message . . . ? Divine.

Oh and it is so beautifully illustrated, one just might swoon while reading it.

Mr Tiger goes Wild #IMWAYR There's a Book for That!

Fox and Squirrel written and illustrated by Ruth Ohi

Such a wonderful little story about celebrating similarities and differences and finding common ground. A book just made for sharing with a primary classroom to talk about all of the intricacies of friendship.

 #IMWAYR There's a Book for That!

Warning: Do not Open this Book! written by Adam Lehrhaupt and illustrated by Matthew Forsythe

This story exemplifies the “pull you right into it” feeling a picture book can provide. Fun. Silly. Delightful. I can’t even imagine how much fun it would be to share this with a classroom of children. I know that my classroom of children would go crazy. I really must get my own copy of this title! I love a little crazy when it comes to picture book experiences!

Warning do not Open this Book #IMWAYR There's a Book for That!

Bugs in my Hair written and illustrated by David Shannon

Well done Mr. Shannon. Being a lice expert myself (not necessarily a talent I had wanted to cultivate but . . . ), I have the feeling David Shannon has some first hand experience with these itchy little critters. Or he is a very good listener. This title both entertains and informs in the most delightful of ways. You finish it with a smile and if lice and you have been intimately acquainted, you know it is all okay in the end. Until next time . . .

Bugs in my Hair #IMWAYR There's a Book for That!

Doug Unplugged written and illustrated by Dan Yaccarino

Funny how a book can surprise you. I had seen this title around the blogosphere for a while. I knew it made suggestions that we shouldn’t be so wrapped up in technology that we miss out on real life. But I was reading the title incorrectly. I read unplugged as noun instead of verb. I saw Doug Unplugged as a name, not that Doug, unplugged (verb). Reading this book made it clear very quickly and honestly, I adored this book quite a bit more than I thought I might. A great story to spark discussion about many things – the difference between “book/internet knowledge” and the power of experience for one.

Doug Unplugged #IMWAYR There's a Book for That!

A is for Musk Ox written by Erin Cabatingan and illustrated by Matthew Myers

I do have quite the thing for alphabet books. Who would have thought that authors and illustrators could get so creative with the abcs? Oh, but they do! And this book certainly is an ideal example. In the same vein as Z is for Moose but wordier and for the story time crowd with a little bit more listening stamina. Great book to model voice. Or just to share countless laughs!

 A is for Musk Ox #IMWAYR There's a Book for That!

I have been happily and carefully reading Catching Readers Before They Fall by Pat Johnson and Katie Keier and so find myself at the end of a week without having completed a novel. I am one good early morning reading session away from finishing Escape from Mr. Lemoncello’s Library (talk about fast paced!) and am still enjoying reading my children The Fire Chronicle by John Stevens (also dramatic and hard to put down!)

In my classroom, we are loving our first chapter book read aloud together (for many students this is the first time they have ever been read a chapter book) – Marty McGuire Digs Worms by Kate Messner. We have been slowly making our way through Desmond and the Very Mean Word – a picture book that your classroom or school library MUST own. This is a story that has inspired so much discussion and passionate reader responses. What a book!

I look forward to many more exciting picture books in the next week and plan to begin Jinx by Sage Blackwood.

27 thoughts on “Monday September 16th, 2013

  1. I’d been looking at Doug Unplugged for a while, and was able to read the e book version from my library right after I read your review. What a cute book, and a great gift for my young friends who let their children use their smart phone when they are out at dinner.

    • Oh yes, I think this book can definitely have the potential to have some people think twice about their relationship/reliance on technology and how it might interfere with some important things like engaged conversations, walks in nature, etc

  2. A Mountain of Friends is so adorable looking-major cute factor. In fact, if I had the money, I would go out and buy every one of these books. They are exactly the type I like to use for read alouds.

  3. Another great list, Carrie! Bugs in My Hair is such a good book to have on hand in a classroom for those unpleasant “talks” we occasionally need to have with our class. Shannon handles the situation with such humor and respect. As you know, I love alphabet books, so will be looking forward to adding A is for Muskox to my collection – it looks great! I am also looking forward to reading Desmond and the Very Mean Word – as I’ve heard many great reviews about it. Mr. Tiger Goes Wild is one I’m anxious to read as well! Thanks for the great list! : )

    • I read A is for Musk Ox today and one child told me I was a very good actress. It is a hilarious read aloud. So much fun. Kids are circulating it amongst themselves – all adored it. Desmond is a MUST. And Mr. Tiger, well . . .

  4. I just won a copy of Mr. Tiger Goes Wild-exciting. It really does sound good. And I bookmarked your Mountain of Friends, although it isn’t out for a while. Thanks much for all the good ones, Carrie-I’ll find Fox & Squirrel too!

    • Lucky you! I need my own copy. I think you will really like Fox & Squirrel. Such a sweet little friendship story yet really touches on concept of sharing things in common and celebrating differences so more than just a surface level book.

  5. Thanks for another wonderful list of books! Most of these are new to me, so I’ll be adding them to my library list for the week. Will probably have to buy Mr Tiger to own. I love Peter Brown, and I really, really love “slightly peculiar” children’s books!

  6. Now I’m truly intrigued by Mr. Tiger Goes Wild – the entire premise sounds a little bit like Breaking Bad (a TV series that my husband and I are currently hooked on). Looking forward to reading it. I bet it would have a lot of awards come next year. Doug Unplugged sounds like a book that most digital natives (our children) should be reading to remind them that they can let go of their social networking websites every once in awhile. My own 11 year old is quite hooked on instagram. Will look out for A Mountain of Friends too. Pinning your titles here. 🙂

    • Your comment made me laugh. I don’t know if Mr. Tiger is quite ready for a starring role in any season of Breaking Bad! But he is a guy to watch that is for sure! Agree with you about Doug Unplugged!

  7. I’m a Library Technician who has recently been stripped of her Teacher Librarian (cutbacks. boo.), and I have to say THANK YOU for this blog. I’m very nervous (and excited, who am I trying to kid?!) about being given the responsibility of choosing books for our 350 students. I want to excite, impress and motivate them to love reading and learning as much as I do, and have that perfect book for every situation for our teachers too! I’m so happy I found your blog, it’s exactly what I need!

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